Get everyone talking with 9-Box! The ultimate icebreaker to build and nurture trust in your team.
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For use whether you’re online or face-to-face in a room, this activity is suitable for up to 12 participants and is perfect way to start a range of work scenarios or leadership retreat and encourage stress-free personal sharing. Please read the instructions before beginning.
Customer Review
I used the 9-box activity as the opening session for a 2 day in-person work planning meeting. We are a remote team and had a couple of new team members so I was looking for a way to build connection and foster communication. The process was a lot of fun - both the pre-work and the activity itself - as we learned surprising things about each other, laughed a lot, and were able to reflect more broadly around commonalities and shared values and passions across the whole group. Not only did the 9-box activity help set the tone for the 2 days, but it also led to discussions and sharing across multiple breaks and dinner outings. I would highly recommend this fun and innovative activity!
The 9-Box tool is available in various formats for both online and in-person use. You can easily integrate it into your presentations by placing the image in your Google Slides or using the PowerPoint deck.
Game Instructions
Clear and easy-to-follow guidelines to help you set up the game effectively for your next workshop or meeting.
Facilitator Debrief Guide
An excellent facilitator’s guide to debrief the game, enhance psychological safety, and elevate your facilitator skills.